MY Dental Clinic in shibuya,Tokyo,Japan.There is a dentist who can speak English.


Everyone who is traveling to Japan.

Do you enjoy the scenery, culture and food of Japan?

It’s hard when you have a problem with your teeth during a fun trip.
At MY Dental Clinic, get rid of your dental troubles with our English-speaking doctors and staff.

・Tooth aches
・I chipped a tooth
・I want to treat tooth decay
・I want whitening
・I want to have implant treatment
・I want to treat periodontal disease

Please contact us for such treatment.
We look forward to seeing you at our clinic before your symptoms worsen.

The hospital will open in February 2023.
Several doctors are enrolled, including the full-time Director Hirono.
We also have doctors who specialize in specialized treatments, so please contact us immediately if you have any questions.

Director Hirono has experience studying abroad in Dubai, and since he treated foreigners at his previous clinic, he can speak English.
We have English-speaking staff at the reception, so we will be happy to help you from the time you arrive to the time you see us off.

In addition, not only tourists from overseas, but also English-speaking people living in Japan can visit us.
In fact, many foreigners living in Japan have visited our hospital since its opening.
Please be assured that we have a track record of various treatments such as dental caries treatment, implant treatment, X-ray photography, whitening, and Invisalign correction(wearing mouthpiece for orthodontic treatment).

If you have your health insurance card, you can receive insurance treatment.
In the case of self-pay medical treatment, the payment will start from about 10,000 yen, so please be careful.

Payment methods are credit card and payment in Japanese Yen.
The automatic fare adjustment machine can also be used in English, but if it is difficult to use, please ask the staff.

・Biography【Doctor Daiki Hirono】


dentist dctor dentalclinic shibuya tokyo
dentist dctor dentalclinic shibuya tokyo

2009~ Graduated from Hokkaido Medical University
2013~ Oizumi Co-op Hospital Dental Clinical Training
2014~ Koeikai Sakura Dental Clinic
2019~ Medical Corporation Tenseikai Hon-Atsugi Dental Clinic
2021~ Medical Corporation Mayroyal Sagami-Ono Ekimae Dental Clinic
2022~ Director of MY Dental Clinic Shibuya


MY Dental Clinic has established a system that can respond to a wide range of needs from preventive dentistry such as dental checkups and cleanings to orthodontics, implants, and whitening.
We will do our best to support your oral health so that everyone who visits us can live their daily lives as comfortably as possible.


Myデンタルクリニック コラム_監修医師

MYデンタルクリニックは、歯科検診やクリーニングといった予防歯科から、矯正、インプラント、ホワイトニングなどの幅広く皆様のニーズにお応えできる体制を整えております。 来院いただいた皆様が少しでも日常生活を快適にお過ごしいただけるよう、口腔内の健康を全力でサポートさせていただきます。

医療法人 MYメディカル

廣野 大紀
  • 2009年   3月~ 北海道医療大学 卒業
  • 2013年   4月~ 大泉生協病院歯科 臨床研修
  • 2014年   4月~ 医療法人弘栄会さくら歯科
  • 2019年 12月~ 医療法人社団天成会 本厚木歯科クリニック
  • 2021年   6月~ 医療法人メイロイヤル相模大野駅前歯科医院
  • 2022年 12月~ MYデンタルクリニック渋谷 院長



(診療時間 10:00~21:00)


東京都渋谷区宇田川町36-1 SANWA SHIBUYA Bldg. 3F

東京メトロ 半蔵門線:渋谷駅より徒歩6分
東京メトロ 銀座線:渋谷駅より徒歩6分


  • 土/日
  • 10:00~21:00
  • -